The Autobell Creek Challenge project, funded by Autobell Car Wash, is an initiative to inspire students to learn about the urban streams of Mecklenburg County and about the science of water quality. The UNC Charlotte Urban Institute and the Center for STEM Education at the UNC Charlotte College of Education have partnered to produce curriculum and to sponsor a Creek Challenge event June 4, 2016, at UNC Charlotte.
The Creek Challenge will include hands-on activities as well as a Water Wizard Quiz, akin to a spelling bee or geography bee, with prizes for the winner.
Fourth- and fifth-graders at eight Charlotte-Mecklenburg public schools are taking part in the pilot project during spring 2016. An Autobell gift of $12,380 supported the project.
The students and teachers were given a packet of information that included the following brochures about the significant creek watersheds of Mecklenburg County. They are available, below, for the public to download.